
PDF support for Squeak

Yesterday I tried the LibHARU binding for squeak by Torsten.
It's a low level PDF library (no advanced text flows) but supports color images (PNG).

Getting started is easy, once the PDF document model is clear:
After loading FFI and HPDF and putting libhpdf.dll next to squeak,
put an image in the squeak directory and run the following code in a workspace:
|document page image|
document := PDFDocument new.
page := document addPage.
image := document loadPNGImage: 'Image.png'.
page drawImage: image rectangle: (Rectangle origin: 72@72 extent: 144@144).
document saveToFile: 'documentWithImage.pdf'
It creates a pdf document in the squeak directory containing a single page with a 2 by 2 inch image 1 inch from the lower left corner.



Last saturday, I went to FOSDEM. It's a good place to talk about Seaside, and it made me think about how to explain the advantages Seaside offers for fast web app development. The lightning talk by Damien had a bit of a focus problem. Trying to cover all that's going on in the smalltalk world in 20 minutes creates an audience problem: too many difficult concepts for those who are new to Seaside and Smalltalk.
That gives rise to the question: what should be in a lightning talk?
Showing off is good, and I think it should be something like building a full app in that time.
Perhaps I should try to reduce my canvas demo app to its essentials, and practice typing and explaining it in 20 minutes. It has Magritte, Seaside, graphics and persistence.


A place to talk about smalltalk and what I do with it.